Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Daring and Danger!!!! by Omar Sabit

It is really a great topic. I am not a thrill seeker, but I might do some stunts with my friends. I’ll talk about the most dangerous experience in my life. Few years ago, I went with my friends to the southern region of Saudi Arabia which is located on a mountain chain. We were visiting a valley when we had been told that there is available rock climbing in the same area. I had just few minutes to decide if I want to do it with my friends or not. It was my first time to such an experience. I decided to climb with them. It was amazing experience, and I would like to do it again, but in the case of Mt.Everest, I’m not going to do it. It was extremely a dangerous experience but it took only few hours. I was happy for attending such a challenging. Although I’ve heard that some people think jet skiing is a dangerous sport, I enjoy jet skiing. It’s one of my favorite sports, and I don’t count it as a dangerous sport. Also, I enjoy care racing, and I like to speed while driving. In fact, I used to have sport car. I participated in some car racing competitions and I really enjoyed it. In the case of Mt.Everest, a climber might stay alive, and he might doesn’t, and that is the main reason for me to say that I would never try to climb Mt.Everest. If any one thinks that I’m a thrill seeker, please tell me!!!!!

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