Wednesday, March 14, 2007


hi, guys

This week is really good but I think its heavy week maybe because we have spring break next week. We are in the middle of the book in chapter 7. The title of this chapter is WORKING. We read a story about how can you manage effectively, what is the different between Japanese business management and American business management. Also, we discuss on group and we know more about other culture and how the manage the business and how they manage like Japanese and American. Also, in Amy’s class we talk about same topic. Everyday we have a group discussion and listening about WORKING. In addition, we took really new academic words and they are so difficult. Also, Kim give us exercise in the internet and there are a lot of question we did it and we will discuses about it tomorrow in the class on group. We did a class discussion with Kim and we summary the story we read it in the book. On Tuesday, we write what we concluded about the story. And on Wednesday, we do in class writing about the different between Japanese and American system on manage business. That is what we have been doing in this week and tomorrow we have quiz in the Amy’s class also about WORKING.

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