Thursday, February 8, 2007

Gender and relationship

At the last time in Korea include history, There was a lot of unfair things between male and female in Korean society. That was common thought that women don't need high quality education. For example my mother couldn't sing a song in her house when she was high school students. And my mother couldn't get a high quality education which are kind of college or university. Because, financial funds were using for their son's education and future. Anyway almost female who is mother in Korea were felt unfair in their childhood. But there is many changing in Korea. There is a government of women’s rights in there. It makes that solve a lot of unfair problems. But it rises up another problem in solving unfair problem in Korean society. A government of women’s right is solving the problem without result. Of course, they solve the problems about unfair between sexes and about prostitute. But they solve the problem not to fair between male and female, they solve problem to not fair against male. For example, male in Korea has duty of military for 2 year. They could get a extra points in government exam which is to be national officer. A government of women stopped this law, because they thought that is not fair in employment policy. All of male feel upset. Because, The extra point is a rightful. It’s compensation of duty. Anyway government of women are doing such as a idiot thing in now.

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