Tuesday, February 27, 2007


I really enjoyed this chapter about the mind this week. It is very interesting, and always they are new thing to learn about. The mind is a subject that always had been researcher, and always researcher discover new things. One of the most imported thing that researcher had discovered is that we use just 10% of our mind and it is not only the memories. Can you imagine if we use more then that? The following question is; if we have the possibility to use more then 10% how can we us more then the normal? As one researcher said that people who are left handed are more intelligent then people who are right handed. The reason of that is because we have two part in the mind; the right and the left. In the right part there are different capacity then the left part, and when people use their left hand they automatically make also the left part of the mind work harder, and they gain both. The right side of the mind, any way, they have like every one. I really want to try working and writing with my left hand, who know maybe i will be more intelligent?...

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