Wednesday, February 7, 2007

In my country it’s different

In my country the relation ship between the two gander men and women are different from U.S. the relation ship before engaged is different, the wedding is different and the live after marred is different .

In my country the relation ship between men and women before engagement are totally different from here, for example here the girl start dating boys when she almost 16 years old or maybe less, but in my country it not allowed for you to date a girl before you get engaged. of course you can take to here and meet her but her family must be aware of what happing between you and here. for example you can meet here at her father house and they will let you to talk alone but they will be watching you from far distance ,or you can go with her family out to dinner or some where else where you can talk to here while her family aware about you two. Usually in my country relation ship begin from working together or from school or even college. Also it’s common that the girls and boys let their family know when they are seen some one, spatially girls must do that. The community there believe that on this way they will protect the society from the problem that the other society suffering from such as children with unknown fathers and girls who get pregnant early so she doesn’t complete here studies because of the heavy responsibility that they will have to curry.

In my country also the wedding are so different from here. In my country men take almost all the responsipelity of the mirages steps but women play a very small role. For example in my country the men have to give a gift to the women before mirage (amount of money usually between 20 two 30 thousand doers). He also will have to take care of every thing from the party and the ring of engagement until the wedding. In addition it’s common that the man gives the bride a voluble gift on the first morning for here mirage. So I thing that women in my country are so lucky.

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