Wednesday, April 11, 2007

peace !! peace !! and one more peace

Oh hello, everybody, Oh Lauret I can tell how wise you are really it's a impressive proverb " If you want peace, prepare for war" really beautiful words, Peace Peace Peace everybody likes to live in peace where s/he can enjoy his/her life. a question that comes to my mind each time I watch the news about Palestine and Israel , Darfur, Iraq, and Afghanistan, or any place in the world where there is a state of instability and war: why do people fight each other ? what is the benefit they might get from this war? and when I find an answer I think what about the other people around the world me and you ? can not we stop them from fighting!!! nobody can help !!! we need more consciences more knowledge about the implications of our deeds!!!

we have to find a solution for all these conflicts, we need to start with ourselves how are relationships with other people ??? are we form the people who like fighting and making problems or we are from da people who forgive ??

what I like in our class is that we have a lot kind, lovely people !!!! and I'm one of them
may all people around the world become like us and I wish they could finish their arguments and conflicts ...........................................!!!

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